Sunday 11 August 2013

Sufism. Muraqaba. Spiritual Psychology. The principles of Meditation . Tasawwuf . For those who would like to develop their connection with Allah .

           All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

                         The mind is everything. What we think we become.

                                                                          By    Buddha

What is Tasawwuf ?
 Poem )
What is Tasawwuf ? Good character and awareness of God.That's all Tasawwuf is. And nothing more.
What is Tasawwuf ? Love and affection.
It is the cure for hatred and vengeance.
 And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? The heart attaining tranquility -
which is the root of religion.
 And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Concentrating your mind,
which is the religion of Ahmad (peace be upon him). And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Contemplation that travels to the Divine throne.
It is a far-seeing gaze. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is keeping one's distance from imagination and supposition.
Tasawwuf is found in certainty. And nothing more.

Surrendering one's soul to the care of the inviolability of religion;
this is TasawwufAnd nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the path of faith and affirmation of unity;
this is the incorruptible religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the smooth and illuminated path.
It is the way to the most exalted paradise. And nothing more.

I have heard that the ecstasy of the wearers of wool
comes from finding the taste of religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is nothing but Shari'at.It is just this clear road. And nothing more.

An Anonymous Persian Poem -

Translated by A. A. Godlas.

Ibn Arabi Quots.

My heart can take on any form:

A meadow for gazelles,
A cloister for monks,
For the idols, sacred ground,
Ka'ba for the circling pilgrim,
The tables of the Torah,
The scrolls of the Quran.

My creed is Love;
Wherever its caravan turns along the way,
That is my belief,
My faith.”

None but God is loved in the existent things. It is He who is manifest within every beloved to the eye of every lover – and there is nothing in the existent realm that is not a lover” 

The Real made me contemplate the light of the veils as the star of strong backing rose, and He said to me, “Do you know how many veils I have veiled you with?”

“No”, I replied.
He said, “With seventy veils.
Even if you raise them you will not see Me, and if you do not raise them you will not see Me.”
“If you raise them you will see Me and if you do not raise them you will see Me.”
“Take care of burning yourself!”
“You are My sight, so have faith. You are My Face, so veil yourself”

Each person is oriented toward a quest for his personal invisible guide, or . . . he entrusts himself to the collective, magisterial authority as the intermediary between himself and Revelation.” 
O lover – whosoever you are – know that the veils between you and your beloved – whosoever he might be – are nothing save your halt with things, not the things themselves; as said by the one who hasn’t tasted the flavour of realties. You have halted with things because of the shortcoming of your perception; that is, lack of penetration, expressed as the veil; and the veil is nonexistence and nonexistence is nothingness. Thus there is no veil, If the veils were true, then who got veiled from you, you should also have been in veil from him.

Best Kalam of Farsi Shayir Amir Khusro .

What is Tasawwuf  ? - Poem

What is Tasawwuf ? Good character and awareness of God.
That's all Tasawwuf is. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Love and affection.
It is the cure for hatred and vengeance. And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? The heart attaining tranquility -
which is the root of religion.
 And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Concentrating your mind,
which is the religion of Ahmad (peace be upon him). And nothing more.

What is Tasawwuf ? Contemplation that travels to the Divine throne.
It is a far-seeing gaze. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is keeping one's distance from imagination and supposition.
Tasawwuf is found in certainty. And nothing more.

Surrendering one's soul to the care of the inviolability of religion;
this is TasawwufAnd nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the path of faith and affirmation of unity;
this is the incorruptible religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is the smooth and illuminated path.
It is the way to the most exalted paradise. And nothing more.

I have heard that the ecstasy of the wearers of wool
comes from finding the taste of religion. And nothing more.

Tasawwuf is nothing but Shari'at.It is just this clear road. And nothing more.
An Anonymous Persian Poem -
Translated by A. A. Godlas.

Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body. ( Cicero )