Wednesday 29 May 2013

Both failure and success begin in the mind .

Have you ever realized that behind some of the most common
sayings... actually lies a deep and meaningful truth?

It may just be me, but I've thought a lot about it recently.

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
"Beware an old man in a hurry."

(I love that last one. Research it.)

Well here's another one which is SO IMPORTANT, it could
change the rest of your life.

"Both failure and success begin in the mind."

We've all heard it (or variations of it) before, and it sounds
pretty cliché. But it's amazing how deep that simple sentence
actually is.

Everything is created in the mind. Thinking makes it so.

It means that if you could get your "head" right, you could tap
into huge success, in every part of your world.

And nobody knows more about that then Ewen Chia.

He's a personal friend of mine, and has worked with some of the
world's leading multi-millionaires and even *multi-billionaires*
to figure out how they think differently.

He learned something very interesting.

Trust me on this one. Click here to learn more about what Ewen
calls the "Success Switch":

Click now, and turn the "Success Switch" on in your mind.

To your success --

Karl Moore, Inspire3
(Follow me

Inspire3 Sites:
Brain Evolution System - powerful meditation program
Brain Salon - audio MP3s that change your mood
Sleep Salon - enjoy the best night's sleep of your life
Dream Manifesto - manifest your dreams, in just days
Choice of Forgiveness - learn to forgive and forget

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