Saturday 22 June 2013

Discover the Ultimate Spiritual Skill … Claim it for your own… And Become the Spiritual Warrior You Were Always Meant To Be . "Spread your wings and let your spirits soar ,

If you could change the world… What would you change?
Would you create a world where cancer treatments are fast and effective?
Would you create a world where no person ever had to sleep on the streets?
Would you create a world where every child could go to school?
Would you create a world where governments are honest and transparent?
Would you save the starving children?
The sick? The poor? The war-ravaged?
Who would you choose to save?
What if you could save them all…
Take a journey with me to another world…
In this world, medicines heal any disease… and everyone has access to treatment…
In this world, food is abundant… and no one goes hungry…
In this world, spirituality and higher states of consciousness are the norm… not the exception…
Wouldn’t you like to live in this world?
Today, I’m going to reveal to you a secret…
But first, answer a question…
What is your spiritual strength?
What is your spiritual strength?
  • Are you a healer?
  • A skilled meditator?
  • Can you astral project?
  • Are you empathic?
    Now here is the secret…
    It doesn’t matter what you strength is… Which ability you have mastered…
    If you have one skill, you have the ability to learn them all.
    And now, it is time to learn and to master the Ultimate Spiritual Skill…
    And discover how to use that skill to create the ideal world you just imagined.
    Join Eric Pepin and a group of his students in Hawaii as he takes you Across the Universe and teaches you to Navigate Time and Space…
    And how you can use your skills to truly change the world.
    During this intense retreat, Eric not only reveals the most powerful technique yet…
    He also faces the topic of science head-on…
    And reveals the Truth and the Myths behind the war between spirituality and science…
    With this knowledge and the new skills you will discover,
    Your thoughts will be as powerful …if not more so…
    as hundreds of people working without this insight.
    • How to discover the past lives (and future ones) you lived… on other worlds…
    • How the collective consciousness is holding the world in the problems it faces
    • And How you can counteract these forces to take the planet to the next level of consciousness
    • How to access spiritual abilities within you
    • The revelation of the skill of Navigation… And powerful ways to put it into practice
    • How to end the war between science and spirituality… And why it is critical for the future of the planet

      Across the Universe includes over 5 ½ hours of intense training from Eric Pepin…
      The value from this knowledge alone exceeds any price we could put on it.
      But you get much more than five days’ worth of lectures from Eric…
      You will also get over 8 ½ additional hours of training from the Top Trainers and Coaches at Higher Balance Institute.
      Join their classes to learn techniques and practical exercises that will prepare your for what you will learn from Eric… And that, with continued practice, will continue to amplify and expand your experience and ability in the future.
      Participants at Across the Universe paid $1299 just for the retreat alone…
      But now you can get the entire program
      with over 14 hours of classes for only $249.
      (Only $299 for physical DVD’s)
      We are at a turning point…
      We want to make sure that anyone who is serious about their spirituality, enlightenments and service to the Universe is able to access this material without financial barriers…
      It is time to take the next step and Release the Navigator and Warrior within you?
      Or you can decide to not to invest in this knowledge… You can decide not to take advantage of this special offer to your spirituality to the next level and on being the spiritual warrior you are…
      Which will you choose?

      100% Karma-Bound, No-Risk Guarantee

      If you are not walking around, with the most deeply satisfied, content, biggest-smile-of-your-life feeling after 90 days of working with this audio guide, we will give you a FULL refund.
      “Life is too short, and the mysteries too deep, to settle for anything else.”

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